Last Sunday, about 50 of us, including my entire family and the staff, honorary doctors and a few friends and relatives of the aformentioned, went for a picnic to a private owner's bungalow on the outskirts of Lonavala, a pleasant place with almost all the modern urbanite's facilities. After a sumptuous breakfast of BBJ, mutton kebabs and Indian bread, we all went to a spot with a natural water-fall, where we all had loads of fun, bathing and generally making fools of ourselves. You can see a picture of me enjoying the moment with Inas, my elder daughter. Apart from this, we had an even more enjoyable time singing Hindi film songs en route to the picnic, playing dumb charades and eating lovely lunch - consisting of limited portions of chicken masala, parathas, chicken pattice, mutton biryani, gulab jamuns and other miscellaneous stuff.
If you wish, you can see a complete portfolio of photos of the picnic here.
Aside of the picnic, it has been a hectic week, and today, that is, Monday, 24th July, was so busy that I had to forgo my gym trip. I am therefore feeling guilty about it. The good thing is that I have now reached a post-exercise weight of 76 kg, which is a full 10 kg less than what it was in early April 2007 when I first resolved to go and join a gym. I think this weight loss has been much beyojnd my expectations and it certainly has made me feel like a physically fit person.
That's all for now ...