
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Inertia to write, and now, here I am

Days 53-55 have passed and I did not feel like writing. In a way, this is a prophecy come true. One of my friends had predicted that once I settled in, there would be nothing much to write about. However, here I am, and as I sit and think, I say - of course, there is a lot to write about. It's just that I wasn't inspired. Saturday, day 53, was the start of a new week; nothing much happened on this day. The only news is that as my partner Pediatrician went on a week's leave, I was left all alone to look after the OPD as well as the ER work and be on call for the entire week. The good news is that I barely had to go to the hospital 2 times over the entire last 3 days. As I write this on Wednesday evening (Day 56), I hope and pray that the evening ahead today and the entire day tomorrow continue to remain "quiet", and I don't get calls etc. to attend emergencies. 

As I did not cook much the last weekend, I made a few extra things over the next few days. On Saturday, I made fried potato bhaji; on Sunday, I prepared sandwiches. Nothing else after that so far. I still have food in the refrigerator. 

Dr. Niaz and I have kept up with the evening walk routine exactly as before. In fact, we haven't skipped even once. We regularly walk for about 70-75 minutes now. We leave about 5-10 minutes after the day's last prayer (Ishaa); we walk to the garden and then do a few perambulations inside it. Then, we walk out the other end, walk a further 200 mtrs or so, and then turn around to walk back home. It is a walk of about 3-3.5 km in all, and we do it in a bout 50 minutes or a little more. I hope that this helps me control my weight and bring me dividends in the form of better diabetes control as well. Dr. Niaz, who is only 38, already has diabetes and a fairly large belly. I am sure this routine will do him good as well.

A new surgeon has come to the hospital this week, a Dr. Muhammad Asadullah from Pakistan. He has been deputed to our hospital for a week. Originally from Pakistan (Multan), he has been in Saudi Arabia for over 7  years. He is a good soul, both religious and sporty. Dr. Niaz and he hail from the same region of Pakistan, and they have taken to each other like old friends. Not just the same region, they are also contemporaries in age and in their educational careers. 

Asad, as I call him, is a genuine person. He is fun to talk with and very easy-going by nature. On Monday evening, he joined the two of us (Dr. Niaz and I) for dinner at the local Pakistani restaurant (on the highway behind us).

The three days are already behind me as I write this. Yesterday, my Mobily 5 GB card subscription expired, and now, I have for myself, a 2 GB card that I can put inside the Mobily modem stick, bought for SR 35. I sure hope it gives me 2 GB, as I have no other way to confirm the usage limit on the new card before actually purchasing it and loading it on my modem stick.                                                              

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